Thursday, October 18, 2007

Been Busy

Well things have been busy around here lately. I have been doing a lot of knitting, sewing, and cooking. I am almost done with my son's picky pants and have made a lot of progress on some socks for the kids and my sister. I am also working on some Halloween costumes for the kids. We are clearing out the last of the summer veggies from the garden and hopefully will put it to sleep this weekend. Gosh that reminds me; I need to get the garlic in the ground. We also plan to make a trip to see my Grandparents this weekend and I am getting really excited about that. I am taking them some purple hull peas from my garden 'cause Grandpa was so kind to give me food from his garden for years. I might just have to dig up some of his garlic to bring back just to make sure I have enough. It surrounds his entire garden and looks so pretty in the summer.

I do have a confession. Yesterday I took the day off. I was so tired I just watched old movies all day. 2 of my favorites Giant and Doctor Zhivago. I am an old movie junky. I have no interest in new movies unless there is a classic movie actor in it. It's almost like I was born in the wrong era. I especially love how my kids can watch the movies with me without me being afraid that they will be scarred for live. I also spent a ridiculous amount of time on Ravelry. I spend more time reading there then in my e-mails. Which is a good thing 'cause I am spending less money on coops. Well I think the little one is up off for now.

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